
Via Luigi Canonica 67

20154 Milano (MI) IT

Montessori and Pizzigoni method: theory, approach, verticalizations and new developments

Project Info
Course center Provider: Europe for all
PIC: 948745070 OID: E10049367

Locations: Milano Italy; Cork Ireland ; Częstochowa Poland
Category: Teaching Method


Knowledge is never acquired on the basis of its intrinsic qualities. The conquest of knowledge needs mediations, putting in situations, suitable tools. Have a method is fundamental to reach learning. Teaching must always take into account the inseparable interaction between teaching and learning, all harmonized in the educational context with the psychological aspects of the students, the technical and pedagogical preparation of the teachers, the cultural and social context, as well as the most effective tools and aids. The teacher has the responsibility to mobilize and “make the students act”. To go beyond mechanical and repetitive learning these must be put into “learning situations” in which they can operate mentally.

The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge. Our apparatus for educating the senses offers the child a key to guide his explorations of the world, they cast a light upon it which makes visible to him more things in greater detail than he could see in the dark, or uneducated state.

Montessori, The Absorbent Mind


A fundamental point of the Montessori method is to promote the autonomy of the child based on an adaptation to the needs of the entire educational structure. The famous phrase ‘Let us help them do it alone’ summarizes the basic concepts of Montessori thinking. “The first form of educational intervention should have the object of guiding the child through the paths of independence” (M. Montessori, The discovery of the child).

The educator and the teacher have the task of observing and stimulating every child, in a welcoming environment, to his own measure, in respect of his specificity without correcting or judging him.



The learning process twill takes place in a gradual and personal way, through direct experience (and not the indications of the adult), the appropriate stimuli and the activity of self-correction. The educator (or teacher) intervenes only if the child uses the material improperly damaging it, risking hurting himself or disturbing others.The basic idea is to help the child develop self-awareness and potential in a ‘natural’ and harmonious way. Through specific activities and materials (developed by Montessori itself and still used today), it is possible to educate the senses, develop motor, logical-mathematical and linguistic skills.



day 1

Welcome time, needs analysis, presentation of the program, bibliographic and study material indications, question time
I ACTIVATION: study case, workshop, presentation and discussion about results, critical approach to the case, question time

day 2

-Introduction to inclusive educational system, special method and the way they were founded, question time

-Montessori educational theory and practice, the material, setting and role of a montessori teacher, question time.

day 3

-II ACTIVATION: workshop on Montessori activities, presentation and discussion about results,question time.
School visit, seeing the Pizzigoni archive, meeting with staff and headteacher


-Pizzigoni theory and practice, the experience as a learning method, gardening and drama activities, question time.

day 5

-From traditional classroom to Montessori classroom, phases, perspectives, goals, improvements, question time.

day 6

III ACTIVATION: Montessori and Pizzigoni in secondary school, experimental approach, critical approach, question time

day 7

Final evaluation, providing course materials and the certificate of participation.



from 21/01/2024 to 27/01/2024
from 07/04/2024 to 13/04/2024
from 09/06/2024 to 15/06/2024
from 14/07/2024 to 20/07/2024
from 29/09/2024 to 05/10/2024
from 01/12/2024 to 07/12/2024


from 19/01/2025 to 25/01/2025
from 13/04/2025 to 19/04/2025
from 22/06/2025 to 28/06/2025
from 07/12/2025 to 13/12/2025

* we can also arrange a new date for specific needs of the group.

We can also provide at accomodation, airport services etc.

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