
Via Luigi Canonica 67

20154 Milano (MI) IT


Project Info
Course center Provider: Europe for all
PIC: 948745070 OID: E10049367

Locations: Milano Italy; Cork Ireland ;
Category: Teaching Method


In the framework of Erasmus Programme Plus, we are going to develop our courses based in both formal and informal education methodologies. We’ll try to develop the active participation of all participants Involved. In order to stimulate the active participation of them we will use dynamic activities, like:
• Discussions in the classroom with directors of private institutes;
• Direct lessons;
• Workshop in which participants will be able to learn the Mindfulness skills that can help cope with the Burnout Syndrome.


 To encourage the recognition and management of the Burnout Syndrome.
 To understand the main causes of the syndrome.
 To promote the creation of heterogeneous solutions in Europe.
 To present effective tools that can help manage and cope.


Is aware that knowledge in the scope of the organization’s functioning as well as methods of managing it depends on many macroeconomic factors in the country and in the world, and consequently is not stable and requires constant updates and adjustments to new trends prevailing in the global economy.
Is aware that proper communication facilitates running a business and allows for optimal decision making.
Is prepared to initiate and actively participate in the work of interdisciplinary teams in the work environment and beyond.

manager internship italy



Day 1 :

-Rules applicable in Italy,
-Information about Milano and general information about the Programme
-Managing partecipant’s expectations about the program.
-Social activities

Day 2:

– Studying the steps of burnout syndrome and its principal causes.
– Expert will explain participants what are the principal’s motivations of burnout syndrome.

Day 3 :

– Education system in Italy with specialized expert’s in burnout syndrome.
– What is the central civil service of burnout syndrome?
-Why do people suffer this? How to prevent?

Day 4 :

-Examination of the burnout syndrome in the service sector.
-Visiting members to get opinions on work-related institution.
-Productive structure of the profession of telephonist, office layout, office placement and the roles to junior and senior relationship.

Day 5 :

-What are the security measures?
-That should be taken in this profession?
-The effects of Syndrome in the family and how to help the family to discover the effects and to prevent them.

Day 6 :

-How to manage emotional exhaustion, work overload, sense of helplessness.
-lack of control, recognition, sense of community, absence of equity.
-conflicting values.

Day 7 :

– Conference with specialists who will teach how to use the scale of Maslach and the others methods.
– Cerimony of certication


from 21/01/2024 to 27/01/2024
from 14/07/2024 to 20/07/2024
from 01/12/2024 to 07/12/2024

from 18/05/2025 to 24/05/2025
from 12/10/2025 to 18/10/2025



The dates may be changed by according the needs of the participants .

We can also provide at accomodation, airport services etc.

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