
Via Luigi Canonica 67

20154 Milano (MI) IT

Our courses

Training courses

Europe for All promotes and plans trainings for adults since 2010. In 2014 structured courses related to the Erasmus Plus program has been added to its portfolio of services. Europe for all organisation, by at its experience for develop a lot of training courses, in all sectors, which are easily adaptable to the new programme of Erasmus+ key action 1 learning mobility of individuals for school education staff (KA121-SCH and KA122-SCH), adult education staff (KA121-ADU and KA122-ADU), Vet staff (KA121-VET and KA122-VET) and higher education staff (KA131-HED).

These activities are also an opportunity for teachers to gain competences in addressing the needs of pupils with disadvantaged backgrounds. Given the current context concerning young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, particular attention will be also given to support projects that train teachers in such areas as training refugee children, intercultural classrooms, teaching pupils in their second language, classroom tolerance and diversity.

Europe for all vocational center PIC number: 948745070 – OID: E10049367, offers many structured courses perfectly adapted for the following Mobility Projects

These courses are ideal for


  • Education staff (KA121-SCH and KA122-SCH),
  • Adult education staff (KA121-ADU and KA122-ADU)
  • Vet staff (KA121-VET and KA122-VET)
  • Higher education staff (KA131-HED)

I.e. an institution providing general, vocational, or teaching education on any level from pre-school to upper secondary education) or any private or public organization active in the labour market.

  • To offer the participants a training experience in a different country from which they come from;
  • To improve the skills and competencies of the participants in the relevant fields;
  • To improve the quality of, and access to, continuing training and the lifelong acquisition of skills and competencies with a view to developing adaptability;
  • To promote and reinforce the contribution of training in the process of innovation, to improve competitiveness and entrepreneurship, and also provide new employment possibilities;
  • To offer to the participants linguistic and cultural knowledge about Milano;
  • To promote the European values about mobility, cultural exchange and cooperation between different countries.

Composition of the group

The groups will be made of participants from different countries, if possible. This in order to encourage the participants to share different experiences taking advantage of the intercultural learning environment of the project, while creating connections with potential partners for future cooperation and exchange.

Useful Information for company

The following organisations can apply:
• Public and private organisations working in the field of adult education;
• Public and private organisations operating on the labour market (including social enterprises) or in the education sector.
Applications can be submitted either by one single organisation, to train its staff, or by a consortium of organisations that share a staff training programme.
The eligible geographical area for this Action includes: all EU Member States, the Swiss Confederation, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey.

Elegible participating organisation . Who can apply?

The sending organisation must be a school; any public or private organisation active in the field of adult education (defined as adult education organisation) or any public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training and youth.

  • An adult education organisation sending its staff abroad
  • An adult education organisation, acting as coordinator of a national mobility
  • Consortium of adult education organisations
  • Individuals cannot apply directly for a grant
  • A school sending its staff abroad (individual application)
  • The coordinator of a national mobility consortium (consortium application)

How to apply?

The application to any of our training courses is very simple. Candidates have just to fill in the registration form for one of our courses, after having a major from the Erasmus Plus National Agency of their Country.

Our trainers

Europe for All employs high qualified people and prizes expertise in teaching, focusing on adult training. Europe for All staff is made up of renowned *

  • University professors,
  • Psychologists, teachers,
  • Special education teachers,
  • Sociologists,
  • Psychiatrists,
  • IT specialists,
  • Trainers,
  • European mediation experts,
  • Graphic designers,
  • Engineers,
  • Communication experts.

Members of the staff will also support the trainees during the activities


Europe for All will contact the candidates at least 3 months before starting of the course. Participants will be receive information about :

  • the program,
  • the location,
  • the trainer or trainers,
  • the requirements,
  • the didactic material to be used and everything to help the mobility of candidates.

Transparent cost

The candidates will be aware of the costs for the whole activity from the very first contact with the school involved. Europe for All will share educational, cultural and of social activities programs. Following the participants’ request, Europe for All can send information also regarding accommodation, local transportation, airport transfer, certifications given to attendees at the end of the program and the monitoring and tutoring provided. Price offer will be presented as detailed for each activity. Thus, participants may properly see all the costs and choose for the better.

All the conditions and terms will be clearly stated in a formal contract headed by Europe for All in agreement the applicant school or the single candidate.

The contract will include: the detailed program, the location of the course, the material used, the name of the teachers, the number of hours to attend, the project number, the location and the name of the course provider.

If any logistic services provided by Europe for all is requested to be included (such as accommodation, transfer service, cultural trip), these will also be included in the contract.

Finally, cancellation or program change terms as well as any change of location that may occur will be emended in the contract.

Services and Facilities

Europe for all will always be available to solve proficiently any doubt or request from participants, even before or after the activity.

Europe for all will support the applicant organization in drafting of the project, as well as the implementation and dissemination of the results.

Our Courses are organized, of two weeks and over one week. during this time, 5 to 10 days will be dedicated to the learning activity. Europe for All will manage the course according to the school’s or candidate’s requests if more days are needed.

Each day of the course consists of 4/6 lessons per day (55min each) of: theoretical and practical lessons with an expert, workshops and activities in different locations based on the aim of the course. Social and cultural activities will be integrated in order to enhance interactions between the participants.

On Mondays, Europe for All presents the program, the didactical material, the internal organization and the teachers. Arrivals are usually planned on Saturday or Sunday.

The teaching staff is made up of teachers, university professors, managers and professionals in the sector who contribute to broadening the horizon of training methods through new teaching strategies aimed at developing potential to be exploited within any working context.

In case the participants need , Europe for all provides :
Accomodatios – Aiport transfert-support of local transport-Cultural visit – Educational visit

Follow up

Once the Europe for All course is concluded, the organization will support the participants in the dissemination of the results. Europe for All will provide the main guidelines for the course using the didactic material prepared for course, along with concreate and elaborate tools toallow the participants to better spread the outgrowth of the course. It’s also possible to inform / train all other colleagues who didn’t had the chance to attend the course.

Europe for all will issue a certificate of skills acquired during the course. Along with the certificate will be attached several documents: course results list, date and hours attended, the tutor/provider details and qualification. Europass certificate will also be shared and linked to the course certificate.


Please check the complete list of our courses

For any question or clarification… We are available

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