
Via Luigi Canonica 67

20154 Milano (MI) IT

Supporting self esteem, healthy body image, correct use of social image through school actions

Project Info
Course center Provider: Europe for all
PIC: 948745070 OID: E10049367

Locations: Milano Italy;
Category: Teaching Method


To what extent have the lockdown, social distancing, the use of social media impacted the self-image and self-esteem in adolescents and what support action can the school implement?
The body image can be defined considering two dimensions: the topographic and the emotional one. The concept of “body scheme” belongs to the topographical dimension, a sort of map that each of us creates, during development, of the individual areas of the body. Indeed, it is by virtue of it that we are able to describe our shapes and proportions. This map, of course, may not be completely accurate, being among other things influenced by the second component, the emotional one. The emotional dimension includes the set of evaluations and feelings relating to parts of the body and the body in general. The sense of inadequacy of one’s forms is a sentiment referable to this second dimension. The two dimensions just described are interdependent: feelings on body shapes influence the perception of the latter, and vice versa. Body image derives from this mutual influence. In people suffering from eating disorders we observe the concomitant presence of dispersions of their physical forms and of the negative judgment on them.
Finally, with the entry into the adolescent period, the body undergoes a series of significant transformations. In males the voice becomes deeper, the skin of the face becomes rough and the beard appears; hair also appears in the armpits, on the chest, on the legs. In females, the hips tend to widen and cellulite and fat accumulations may appear. In addition, the hair in the groin area, armpits and legs increases. Precisely because of these transformations it is normal for a sort of distortion of the body image to occur in this period. It is no coincidence, in fact, that most of those who suffer from an eating disorder develop it in their teens.

manager internship italy
Group of diverse people using smartphones


The two dimensions just described are interdependent: feelings on body shapes influence the perception of the latter, and vice versa. Body image derives from this mutual influence. In people suffering from eating disorders we observe the concomitant presence of dispersions of their physical forms and of the negative judgment on them

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A solid and healthy self-esteem allows you to:

• Taking action allows the passage to action, the possibility of doing new things that you have never done before
• Believing that certain things are possible. Saying “This I can do, it is possible for me!” it is the beginning of self-confidence. If you keep saying I CAN, you will come to say I KNOW I CAN! You go from a belief to a certainty!
• Opening doors, opportunities (professional, social, …)
• Promote well-being. Confidence in yourself brings you well-being because you will finally be on the march towards the realization of what is important to you and for this you will stop blaming and regretting.

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Day 1 :
-Welcome Meeting.
-Rules applicable in Italy, information about Milano and general information about the Programme.
-Managing partecipant’s expectations about the program.
-Social activities

Day 2:
-Assessment of the participant through an Placement Test.
-Study case, workshop, presentation and discussion about results, critical
-Approach to the case, question time

Day 3:
-Lesson – Social factors, the most important is represented by the set of cultural norms on the body and beauty. In our age, for various reasons, the image of a body (especially a female) dry, thin, almost devoid of shapes is promoted. A body similar to that of children. This can make it difficult for the adolescent to accept the natural processes of bodily maturation that lead him to increasingly resemble an adult. The second factor is the loss of the status of “child”: for some adolescents it can be difficult to accept the new body image if it is associated with the loss of attention and care that was intended for them, especially by parents, as children, question time.

Day 4:
Lesson – The cognitive factors, the first is the tendency to distort the perception of one’s own shapes. We have seen how the body image is based, first of all, on a perceptual process. If it is not accurate, it is possible that one may unfoundedly judge one’s body as defective. The perception of forms is also, in turn, influenced by beliefs about ideal proportions. The more rigid they are, the greater the likelihood of developing a negative body image. This is even more likely in the presence of perfectionism. The more you tend to perfectionism, the more you will be led to believe that you have to do something to improve an otherwise inadequate body, question time.

Day 5 :

-II ACTIVATION: study case, presentation and discussion about strategy and results,question time.

Day 6:

the emotional factors there are self-esteem and a sense of adequacy. As is well known, these two aspects begin to develop already in childhood and depend on various factors, from the biological (temperamental) to the psychological, to the family one. Here we limit ourselves to highlighting the influence that self-esteem and a sense of adequacy can have on the development of a negative body image. In fact, by implying a negative global judgment on oneself, both can lead the boy (or girl) to generalize this judgment to his own body and to try to modify its appearance, for example through restrictive diets, almost always implicated in the onset of eating disorders.

Day 7 :
Final evaluation, providing course materials and the certificate of participation


from 21/01/2024 to 27/01/2024
from 09/06/2024 to 15/06/2024
from 01/12/2024 to 07/12/2024

from 16/03/2025 to 22/03/2025
from 15/06/2025 to 21/06/2025

The dates may be changed by according the needs of the participants .

We can also provide at accomodation, airport services etc.

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