
Via Luigi Canonica 67

20154 Milano (MI) IT

Erasmus + KA2 -First LTTA -Enforse Project – MILANO

Erasmus + KA2 -First LTTA -Enforse Project – MILANO

The LTTA- Milano –
Enforse Project KA2 –

from 12/09/2021 to 18/19/2021
The training has been done the following titles: Montessori method, from basis to evolution.
Program .-
the basis of Montessori Method
-Montessori Method for adult education
-Montessori Method in language teaching
-Class management and motivating adults in language courses
-The role of language teachers in Montessori Method teaching
-Workshops for preparing lesson plans and alternative evaluations types for it.
Workshops about the following statements while preparing lesson plans for the EnForSe corners
